No Time:
The catch cry of this generation is "Busy"
9 of 10 people when asked "How are you going", will respond "Busy"
With the way technology has become a part of our everyday lives today it seams we are busier then ever before.
The Lie of the early days in technology was, IT will make our lives easier. The Truth is technology has just made us more efficient and we can do more in less time then ever before.
What does a Christian do about this problem of being to busy. Well first let me ask you, is it really an issue of time or an issue of priority?
It is a well known and studied fact that the natural human response is to attend to the urgent things in live before the important thing in our life. How do we overcome this problem?
Have you ever heard the statement "If you fail to plan you plan to fail"? Well it's true especially when it comes to developing in our relationship with the LORD.
Hear is how we overcome.
Plan: you need to plan activities that will help you grow. Plan time to meet with GOD, Plan time to read your Bible, Plan time to meet with other Christians, Plan to make yourself available for the Holy spirit to use you.
Do: Take action! do the things you have planned. Get someone to hold you accountable to do what you have planned. Just do it.
Check: Check that the activities you have planned are being done as planned. check that the way your are doing them is working for you.
Act: based on what you find when you are checking, make adjustments to your plans so that they work for you.
One of the most effective tool in the enemy's tool kit is; To make your so busy with the urgent thing in life that you are unable to commit time to the important things in life